so im having a problem, i want to make a blueprint so the game understand that the player is not moving. then make the game switch to the idle flipbook for my character.
help would be appreciated
is it possible to show this with a blueprint? this is what im working with at the moment, not a pro at unreal
you can get the players vector and dedect for how long it didnt change and set it to bool
and if its like a shooter multiplayer and bullets move you also try to dedect the amount of time a key wasent pressed
Okay you need to think unreal needs to k n ow every tick what state the player is in or it won’t recognise the flipbook change… So will be stuck in right walk even though you stop pressing right… till you press another key… I have working sprite sheet code ill post in a bit
sweet! i’ll try learn from that code when you post it then
Just add a bool which flips true after pressing a button and have a timer count down if its true that flips it to false after so long(heads up your timer will need to reset on button press aswell)
make a timer and have a all keys output and when the all keys is pressed reset the timer if the timer is done swtich the flip book
so this will solve the idle problem but as said i also have another problem, the last key i press is the key that count, so if i press right, then up, and after that left and hold the keys, the character will move up but have the left flipbook, i know its not what i asked for in the beginning, but it is nice to fix when im first working at it Btw thanks for answering, i will work with what you guys said
i just realised how noob i am, i made a input in project settings called “all keys” it activates if any key is pressed (not sure if that is what you ment) and then i will connnect that to a timer?
yes there is a thing a key that is every key, make a tick event with a delay of a secend after it and branches and stuff that when its 60 add to min and reset secends someting like that and when the every key is pressed just reset all the var’s
could you try to post a picture? trying to learn this, and need visualization/picture to work from
Im finishing up with a move and i get network tomorrow. I can then show some pictures showing how to do an idle timer
thank you really nice of you
I followed your video, and it does change to the idle animation, the problem is that if i press the “w” and “s” at the same time, and release one of them while pressing the other the character switches to idle but are moving this is because of the boolean that is connected to “released” on the W and S event. dont know how to solve that
You could add a second check in the looping event that checks to make sure you are not moving and set it false when you are moving no matter what buttons are being pressed.
I think that a better solution would be to let the game know if the character is standing still, moving right or any other direction. this will remove the multiple key pressed and released problem. i think that something with vector would work, but i just dont know blueprint enough to figure it out. If anyone have a blueprint solution for this it would be nice!
if you take a look at my other comment it could be another solution
i hate to ask all the time, but it would be nice to solve this problem