Having a problem with 3rd person Physics Handle / Pick Up Physics Objects

so i managed to get the ray traces working in game but i can’t seem to lift anything. any help would be appreciated

Hi Whodafawkno :slight_smile:
Welcome to the forums!

Looking at your blueprint very quickly, i see that you have not provided a target for the ‘Add Physics Handle Component’ node, which if i remember correctly should be ‘Hit Actor’ or ‘Hit Component’ from the ‘Break Hit Results node’. Below is a link to how it should look:


Also i would make sure that any objects you are trying to pick up are of the object type ‘Physics Body’ and have a mass <500.

Any problems, let me know and i can assist tonight when i am home.

Your array seems broken. Recheck the tutorial and the Array value.
Do you have any accessed none errors?

this is my “one shot fired” errors list so it’s easier to see whats going wrong…

  response: i also applied physics to the cow and changed the mass to almost nothing and it wouldn't work... but i tried that before posting this to the forums to no avail

update: i have found these errors as compared to the original tut… but i still have the same errors after testing…

Hey man,
That is me home so lets see if we can fix this for you.

  1. You are right, there is no need to attach a target to the ‘add physics handle’ node. My bad.
  2. When your linetrace collides with your cow, does a red cube appear where it intersected?

I would upload my blueprint, but it is so messy with other things at the moment that it would likely confuse you further. To make you aware i am also working with first person and have it working.

i rechecked array values… i rechecked the details on the created variables… i can’t find any more errors atm… i don’t have a full enough knowledge of ue4 to know what might be causing the problem.

btw i also tried it in first person and got it working… i think it is either something i overlooked, or it’s not compatible with 3rd person without modifying it somehow beyond my knowledge. and yes i get hit boxes on the cow from raytrace

i still don’t have a solution to why this isn’t working? anything else anyone needs from me to figure this out?

Hey mate,
Can you upload your blueprint so i can take a look today? Work is quiet today so i should get a minty to have a look.

No you didnt checked the array… Its empty. I created the system for myself too a while ago and i know this error ^^
Check again if your trace is hitting a valid object that has simulated physics and a override mass of 501.

Afternoon. below is a dropbox link to a working third person blueprint which i done today by following the tutorial.

This is working and i have tried replicating your errors but have yet to come across anything that would kick up the accessed none error.
I have tested this and can pickup a suitably sized cube which has a mass of <500 and has the collision presets set as PhysicsActor.

i did re check my arrays but i only found the one that was different (not saying that i am perfect, obviously something isn’t working) my question is can you see in my blueprint picture which one it is? or what do you need me to get a picture of for you? which one of your arrays were off? i am a total noob to unreal booleans/arrays etc… and i have re read other tuts on simulated physics… i made sure the cows mass was below 500… and i rechecked hit detection… just treat me like a 5 year old… i really am learning everything from the ground up this past week… don’t assume i know anything about the engine… cause i don’t

SOLVED!!! i am so happy… like i said i am a noob and i knew nothing about unreal more then a week ago… so i was unaware of the proper method of creating a phys actor… thank you ConnorTheScot for your saying “collision presets set as PhysicsActor” cause i googled that verbatim and found this video that describes the method of doing it with a blueprint… my error was clicking my mesh after placing it on the map… then simulating physics from the details tab… which did not work for me… i HAD to create a blueprint from the mesh and check simulate physics for it to work properly… thanks for all of your help guys… i was almost going to scrap the blueprint…

Morning mate, well that was a positive message to check in the morning!
Great to hear that things are working and apologies i did not get you to check that sooner.
I too am new to the engine and just happen to have been working on a project where i used the same tutorial.
Best of luck mate, and feel free to get in touch if you run into anything else.

yeah thanks again connor… i have a bit of a learning curve… but this engine is amazing…