Have only 3 states of movement speed and animation instead of BlendSpace's complete analog spectrum?

The BlendSpace feature is useful for realistic games, but what if i want to create a stylized/oldschool game with a character that, even with an analog stick, can only have 3 movement speeds and 3 animations?

For example, when the stick is not pressed, the speed is 0 with an idle animation, and it stays that way until the stick is pushed a little bit, then it shifts immediately to 150 Movement Speed and the same walking animation, then if i press the stick fully, it jumps to 300 speed and a running animation WITH NO IN-BETWEENS?

I have no idea how to even approach this, since, to me, it seems that this dumb analog speed increase and animation interpolation is hardcoded into the engine.
I know Code Vein, a game with this style, uses Unreal Engine, and i’m wondering how they did that