**INDIEDB Now Claiming All Downloads As Their Own
Like many developers Ive used indiedb over the years and never had anything but good things to say about it, however thats all changed.
Up until recently all content you uploaded was under your control, be that images, videos, articles and most importantly downloads. Now to
my absolute shock downloads are no longer under developer control and are in effect claimed by IndieDB as their own.
This raises some real problems, for a start trying to market a newer version of the game when the old is still there, which was never meant to
be a permanent download but is now claimed by Indiedb as theirs to do with as they want. This of course goes against IndieDB’s own site
promotional material where they wax on about giving developers control.
What really annoys me is that no e-mail informed me of these download changes, and there was also no change to site promotional material either.
Just one day I came to replace old downloads with newer versions and was denied the right to do so.
**Im no expert in legalese or EPIC’s EULA so given Indiedb have claimed downloads as theirs where does that leave me? **
Do I now have to take them to court in order to claim back money that they are obviously making from advertising and give that to Epic?
Any help on this issue would be most welcome.
Ive deleted everything I am currently allowed to as who knows when they will come for articles, images, videos or other content.
Id say stay well clear of Indiedb until they come clean as to their intentions and inform you what they consider they own. Its a sad day as up
uptil recently it was a great site.
Please pass the word on to other developers as Im sure many new to the site will not know that any upload will be claimed by IndieDB and will remain
regardless of their wishes. No mention is provided anywhere as to these changes and I see it as nothing more than a content grab.
**Do Epic have any plans to produce a site listing games made in UE4? **
Given the massive success of UE4 Im sure developers and gamers would welcome such a move, expecially with increased legal complexity
and sites like Indiedb out to deceive developers.