You could set the tankturret world rotation to a constant with an event tick that allows you to lock the yaw rotation for each frame.
Here is the hierarchy I have for a tank I made.
TankBody is set to Simulate Physics and is controlled by applying forces. What I want is for the TankTurret to ignore TankBody Yaw rotation but inherit both Pitch and Roll.
I’ve tried the SpringArm approach but it doesn’t work since TankBody is simulating physics and attaching a SpringArm between TankBody and TankTurret doesn’t allow TankTurret and TankBarrel to inherit the simulate physics property of the parent (If I tick simulate physics for them separately, they lose all parent connections).
SetAbsoluteRotation also doesn’t work since I still want to inherit Pitch and Roll.
How can I go about ignoring the yaw of the parent only?
Well, maybe I should have added, but TankTurret will be moving separately, aiming at the crosshair.
I actually have been dealing with this exact issue. In the transformation properties, you’ll find a setting that allows you to make individual rotational and location vectors absolute. If you tick for the z-axis rotation, you should get what you want.
If you tick for the z-axis rotation, you should get what you want.
Could you please explain what you meant here. I know how to make the Rotation absolute but not just the Yaw Rotation.
Still looking for an answer if anyone knows it !