I am trying to cast a boolean variable to Animation Blueprint.
Player is a turret. I would like to have couple type of turrets. Using a keyboard I am switching between them.
To make it happens, I just change skeletal mesh of first turret (that what is on the begining of level). Btw, I am not sure if I make it right way, but for to get a reference, I added skeletal mesh of secon turret in character bluepring and just simply make it invisible.
So, when a player use Right click it cast True to variable situated in Animation blueprint. Everything work perfectly fine, in case first turret (that what is on the begining of level). But it doest work on second one. I am sure problem is in variable. Because if I connect attack animation directly to Output pose it start playing, everything is ok. it looks like, somehow variable “is right” cant get a casted “TRUE”. I am sure it cast well, i check it using PrintString
Animation BP of first canon
Animation BP of second canon
Shooting mechanic of first canon
Shooting mechanic of second canon
Switching between two canons mechanics