haunted chapel

Hi everyone! I’m currently working on an diorama. It will be a haunted chapel with a cemitary around it. This will inlude props such as graves, crosses, statues and
stained glass. My main inspirations are resident evil 4 and The Evil Within.

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hello, I finished the sculpting process and now I’m assembling the scene in Unreal. I have a few more references that I use to sculpt the church and as props.

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Angel statue prop:

All the obejcts in Unreal.


Hi there @gabschumaker,

Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums. So nice to see a new face around here :slight_smile:

Just wanted to pop in and send some support out for this project. Spooky projects are always just the coolest to watch develop :smiley: Plus, these reference photos are so darn cool!

Can’t wait to see what you come up with :smiley:

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