Has this warning been fixed in the Text 3D component in 5.4?

FYI I am getting this warning / error for each letter when using Text3D for a short sequencer shot, it is looking for physics data and LOD data for temp letters that are getting scaled and animating and it looks like it is in the engine.

LogStaticMesh: Warning: UStaticMesh::GetPhysicsTriMeshData: CPU data not available on selected LOD (UseLODIndex=0, LODForCollision=0) on ‘StaticMesh /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0:Text3DEngineSubsystem_0.Text3D_Char_3785694284_1713813076’.

I’m also still seeing this in UE 5.3, however I’m not using sequencer and I’m still seeing the warning pop up.