Has infinite loop protection been broken again?

In UE4.27 there was an infinite loop protection that had prevented freezes. As I can see from searching on this forum, it was hard to implement that and many users had written complaints. In 5.2, that protection seems to be broken again. Pressing the Stop button just freezes the editor. Has that horrible bug really returned, or am I doing something wrong?

Bump. The topic is actual.

I’ve not had a problem in 5.1 or 5.3 myself (I jumped to 5.3.1 from 5.1) but anytime I’ve accidentally thrown in an infinite loop it’s always thrown the correct error code

Hello! What means “I’ve not had a problem”? What means when you stop on some breakpoint, perform several steps, understand that execution goes into the infinite loop and press a button with the red square in the upper editor toolbar?

i just tested on 5.2 for the maximum loop iteration of 1,000,000 iterations. It freeze for a 2-3s and then display warning for infinite loop detected. (that is my print string took 3s execution time to reach minimum 1m iteration)

my guess would be for a simple print string, the engine can quickly clear things out and recover, but for more complex loop, it will take a longer execution time to actually reach the minimum iteration of 1m.

might also depend of your pc spec, i can only guess but the protection is working for 5.2 on my side.

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? There’s always been infinite loop iteration limits. If you’re not actually in a loop construct, though, such as for, while, then there’s nothing. … edit: there might be for recursive function calls, as well… not sure on that one, i don’t do much of that.

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