Has anyone migrated from Visual Studio to VSCode?

Facing impending doom at work. Looks like they want to get rid of Visual Studio and have us start using VSCode for ALL our software development.

How well does VSCode and Unreal play together? Can we still have C++ based blueprint, and step down into C++ and debug line by line?

Up until now, what I have seen of VSCode is that it’s a great javascript/html editor, but I have not seen anything yet with VSCode that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling about making the transition for Unreal C++ or even standard C++ development.

Does anyone have any success and or horror stories to share about making that transition?

Thanks all for any feedback… Trying to get in front of this transition and prepare.

Many people think Visual Studio and VS Code are the same programs, they are absolutely not. So no, this will be a disaster if they do. VSCode is amazing in web development (especially front-end), but the moment you need c++ it’s not going to work out. The standard is using Visual Studio for unreal. This includes VS extensions and proper unreal support.

Try JetBrains Rider, less problems than MSVC imo.

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It’s not an IDE war that is brewing, it’s the fact that they want to make us all move into a virtual machine environment, where the OS is Linux. Plus they want to try to cut some dependency costs.

Does Jet Brains run on Linux?

I’m hoping that at some point, there is enough push back, but, I’m pretty far removed from any decision making. All I can do is try to be a voice of reason. Usually, I shy away from horror stories, but this time? I need all the horror stories I can get. :grinning:

I think so, my friend has linux dev PC:

Does JetBrains Rider work on Linux?

JetBrains Rider is a cross-platform IDE that provides consistent experience on the Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

Rider would only be a different price, not a removing of the cost, especially for larger number of users (yearly subscription which looks to be higher then Professional/Enterprise Visual Studio) and VS has caught way up to the the few positives Rider was flaunting as features.
does your company have annual revenue in excess for the Visual Studio Community version break-point? (basically feature parity with the professional version)

the only positives I have really heard about VSCode outside of the front-end stuff is with C# (go figure that Microsoft would be able to make a lightweight C# thing)

it could also be possible to for your companies “Finance Person” to contact Microsoft and request going to Professional instead of Enterprise (if you are currently using Enterprise that is) most Business-to-Business would rather take a slightly worse deal then outright lose a customer, especially if the monetary issue is “temporary”

there is a guide for

you can see how bad it is, and look into potential short comings, especially if you are able to point out “this critical work flow is not viable in VSCode” otherwise even with anicdotes it might still come across as "Change is Bad :frowning_face: "

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Yes, but to Rider, it would be a better alternative, as a LONG time VS user thinking it was hard to replace, after some time with Rider, simply could not go back to plain VS.

+1 to Rider :slight_smile:

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Used VSCode for UE for about 2-3 days just to see how it feels. I still can’t get rid of nightmares lol.

They might cut their costs by a few percent at most by using vscode instead of VS but they are going to lose 30% productivity at least imo.
Even simple features like signature changes don’t work well in VScode and many of more advanced ones aren’t even there…
I would honsetly even pay more than VS and get rider. best IDE for UE by miles imo

I tried rider for I think two weeks, even made a theme file so it looks similar to what I’m used to. I found pros and cons in using it, balancing the total experience to be just the same to free VS community. Rider showed me code suggestions / warnings that were valuable. I was hoping for faster build times (vs sometimes hangs) and a properly working intellisense (VS doesn’t always load it), but it has the same problem. VS also has an unreal / blueprint integration extension now.

@m00nB33r All I read is red flag, why bother with them XD. It’s like they want the slowest most difficult and painful way to kill a programmer and project.
:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Kiiroi Senko,
I agree, we are going to lose productivity. Having to work in a VM sounds painful. Slow.

Roy Wierer
Yes, lots of red flags… Again yes, I agree painful.

I don’t think cost is the driving factor here, it’s more of an added bonus from what I gather. I think the real driving focus around this is that upper management feels that all the software being written throughout the company (or at least in a specific section of the company) is splintered and they think this is the solution.

I don’t know the size of the team / business or the exact reasons for this migration, but first of all if there is a problem such as cost, or perhaps problems when everyone works on their own versions / programs, then that problem must be clear and communicated to everyone. If there is no problem, there is no reason for migration to begin with. If there is a problem, management should be gathering your specialist opinion on the matter. You should have a voice. It’s definitely time for a meeting. When management starts to decide to write code in notepad it’s time to be heard or time to go.

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I hear loud and clear what you’re saying Roy… Just not sure they will listen to me. :wink:

I’m just curious how this ended :innocent:

Ha… Still using Visual Studio 2019.