I have no issues making SVN work on PC’s, but on any OSX 10, with multiple versions of Subversion, I am not able to make Unreal connect to Subversion, and I wonder if it is even posible, so please let me know if you have seen this work?
Note it is from INSIDE of Unreal, I have plenty of subversion going on OSX with other OSX clients (and even terminal)
The error message I get from indie of Unreal is usually:
Error svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at ‘/Users/Me/Documents/Unreal Projects/ProjectName’ (format 31). You need to get a newer Subversion client. For more details, see http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#working-copy-format-change
I am aware that Unreal ships with it’s own BIN for the Subversion, and I think that this is the whole problem; That BIN is not working, I think - can you tell me wrong, did you make it work?