Hello i just wanted to know if anyone has dlss working for 5.1.1. I have the sample project open and that is working fine. I have used the same widgets from that project for my own and its not working for me. I have been through the quick start guide but i must be missing something? I am not getting the same messages in the log as in the sample project thats included with the plugin. When I change DLSS modes nothing is happening in the Log. These are the messages that appear in the sample project that are missing from mine. I just want to know if its possible to get this to work. Any help would be much appreciated.
Sample project log when I change DLSS mode from the widget.
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BPW_NGX_C_0] Ultra Performance
Cmd: r.ScreenPercentage 33.299999
r.ScreenPercentage = “33.3”
LogDLSSNGX: [Core]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [NVSDK_NGX_CreateFeature_Validate:450] app id is 195018064
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [tid:12452][NgxDltss::FillCreationParams::<lambda_13f9d8358092234f880ebe5aeaf5fb19>::operator ():2606] Info: (DLAA) Using App hint Preset F
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [tid:12452][NgxDltss::FillCreationParams::<lambda_13f9d8358092234f880ebe5aeaf5fb19>::operator ():2606] Info: (Quality) Using App hint Preset D
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [tid:12452][NgxDltss::FillCreationParams::<lambda_13f9d8358092234f880ebe5aeaf5fb19>::operator ():2606] Info: (Balanced) Using App hint Preset D
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [tid:12452][NgxDltss::FillCreationParams::<lambda_13f9d8358092234f880ebe5aeaf5fb19>::operator ():2606] Info: (Perf) Using App hint Preset D
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [tid:12452][NgxDltss::FillCreationParams::<lambda_13f9d8358092234f880ebe5aeaf5fb19>::operator ():2606] Info: (Ultra) Using App hint Preset F
LogDLSSNGX: [DLSS]: [2023-10-01 13:34:44] [tid:12452][NgxDltss::FillCreationParams::<lambda_13f9d8358092234f880ebe5aeaf5fb19>::operator ():2606] Info: (UltraQuality) Using App hint Preset F
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Creating NGX DLSS Feature SrcRect=[0x0->1022x412], DestRect=[0x0->3068x1236], ScaleX=0.333116, ScaleY=0.333333, NGXDLSSPreset=Default(0), NGXPerfQuality=UltraPerformance(3), bHighResolutionMotionVectors=1, bNonZeroSharpness=0, bUseAutoExposure=1, bReleaseMemoryOnDelete=1, GPUNode=0, GPUVisibility=0x1, DenoiseMode=Off
LogDLSSNGXRHI: Destroying NGX DLSS Feature SrcRect=[0x0->3068x1236], DestRect=[0x0->3068x1236], ScaleX=1.000000, ScaleY=1.000000, NGXDLSSPreset=Default(0), NGXPerfQuality=DLAA(5), bHighResolutionMotionVectors=1, bNonZeroSharpness=0, bUseAutoExposure=1, bReleaseMemoryOnDelete=1, GPUNode=0, GPUVisibility=0x1, DenoiseMode=Off