Has anyone ever got VSCode working with UE4? (including intellisense)

Yes, sure. I realize it’d probably end up working, but at this point, the amount of chores and maintenance one has to do in order to be able to use VSCode with UE4 comfortably is so large it outweighs the benefits of using VSCode in place of VS2019. For all its clunkyness and bloat, VS2019 more or less works out of the box. I tend to jump between the projects a bit and often make new ones to play with, so going through a large bulletpoint list of manual fixes before I can even start working with the engine is just not worth it.

It’s a shame thought because outside UE4, for everything else, I consider VSCode superior to VS2019.

I really wish Epic and MS would come together in order to produce some acceptable VSCode+UE experience, in the same way VS2019 works. So we could literally just click “Generate VSCode Project Files” menu entry, and that would be it. We could just start enjoying the engine :slight_smile: