Has anyone been able to launch Lyra in UE 5.4.1?

Every time I open Lyra using its default of DX12 in UE 5.4.1 I get this crash

If I change the windows platform to DX11 it can launch fine. It’s strange because creating a Lyra project in 5.3.2 using DX12 is fine on my PC, and creating a new third person project in UE 5.4.1 with DX12 is also fine.

Hard to find out exactly where the problem lies. Has anyone else had any luck with opening Lyra with DX12 in UE 5.4.1?

I opened Lyra on my 1080ti
so it’s unlikely that the problem could be with the videocard. Perhaps resetting the configuration files will help.
I would download a clean project from the EGL and run it to make sure. I would also use a pure engine (without third-party plugins and modifications if you have the Git version)

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I did a reinstall of windows, EGL, UE5, and Lyra. Same issue still. I installed it on my wifes PC and it works fine though.