"Harsh Doorstop" An Open Source Shooter Template!

There is a project called “Harsh Doorstop” that is a free community-driven shooter template. It’s goal is to allow developers to make their own games without starting from scratch and without settling for less in today’s anti-consumer game climate. I unfortunately could not find any updates that were newer than 1 year old.

Does anyone know anything about this or a similar project? It intrigues me. Being able to build a game without thew incredibly tedious and daunting task of starting from square 1. I think it would be very fun to contribute and collaborate to give the gamer community a platform to create and share experiences without necessarily having to spend fortunes on DLC or settle for the same titles year after year.

BlueDrake42 said: “I think the shooter community is up to the task of building ourselves what we want to play… the things that people have accomplished in their free time just because they want something is incredible. Gaming technology, engines, assets, even just the internet and being able to collaborate with people internationally – All of those things. We have so many resources compared to when BFBC2 came out. What if it was possible to create a basic platform, a basic game… like a shooter kind of like bad Company 2? Maybe not this beautiful, and in-depth, something real basic that the community could then have for FREE in order to serve as a platform to develop their own modifications and their own games they want to play. Like imagine if we created a system that was a generic shooter that was free to the community and it wasn’t locked down. It had mod support, wasn’t proprietary. What if we made a simple, stem shooter and opened it up that people could modify and build on for free?”

Link to developer update video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq5-Gk-IOSQ

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It’s certainly still in development. If you join their Discord at Operation: Harsh Doorstop and visit the development log channel at Discord, you’ll see consistent updates.

However, I wasn’t under the impression that it was nor is (F)OSS. Where did you learn that?