Hard time blending two animations

Hello everybody !
So, in my game, the character, who have a lantern, can do a flash, and there’s an animation that play at this moment on the upper part of the body. I followed these [tutorials][1] to help me, but I still have some problems. I have one question first, as it’s only one animation that I have to blend, is it still necessary to do a montage just with this animation ? I tried to not use one, but my brain couldn’t do it x)
So, I did a montage with only my flash animation, created a slot that I called flash, and said that it was this slot for my montage.

Then , in the event graph of my anim blueprint, I check if the character is flashing, that I set to one in the character blueprint, and if yes, a do once on my montage (don’t know if it’s that useful to do a custom event just for a play montage alone, but as if the guy did that… x) )

And in the animgraph, I blend the two poses together, using the cache, and saying to the layered blend node that the bone is the one named “Spine”.

So I think I did everything right, but the animation of the flash never play. I put some breakpoints, but it seem it stop everytime to the “Do once”, and never go to the custom event… And I put to one my “IsFlashing” variable and turn it off after a delay of 0.2s

So, if any good soul can help me on that, I would buy him some cookies (and be grateful, of course :stuck_out_tongue: )