I’m interested in “hanging” a small object off of my character using a physics constraint. Think of a satchel hanging loosely off of someone’s shoulder, or a shoelace trailing onto the floor, or a chain or a ponytail or such a thing. I have a static mesh component, which is parented to a physics constraint, which is in turn parented to the player mesh.
As it stands, the static mesh seemingly isn’t attached to the player. Instead it hovers in midair, disassociated from the player. It reacts when the player runs into it, though, which is half of what I’m looking for.
I’d appreciate some help, or a redirection to some kind of tutorial on this. I haven’t been able to find anything yet.
It doesn’t sound like your static mesh component is very static. If you use a skeletal mesh instead you can use AnimDynamics or pure physics (physics asset).