Handling Steam Timeouts

Recently been getting a lot of timeouts on the client-side from Steam. See example below:
[2020.07.06-20.17.00:637][291]LogNet: Warning: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection… Elapsed: 59.96, Real: 60.00, Good: 60.00, DriverTime: 13354.71, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: 76561199064913129:7777, Name: SteamNetConnection_2147482550, Driver: GameNetDriver SteamNetDriver_2147482551…

What’s the best way to handle these? The host server seems fine and keeps running the game as if nothing happens; it’s just the player that drops out. Ideally the player can continue without Steam and just keep pinging Steam until they manage to reconnect.

It looks like the below is the cause of this behavior. Can someone advise on how to do the override? Would C++ be required here or is this something that can be done in editor/.ini?

“OverrideFailureDelegate is called with the FUniqueNetId of a player when that player attempts to join the server without Steam authentication, or when that player loses Steam authentication during the session. By default, SteamAuth will kick the player from the game. However, if this Delegate is bound, the default behavior will be suspended, so developers will have to kick the player manually if that behavior is still desired.”