Handling external content plugins for global use?

Quick question:
We´re currently using a Mastertemplate that we import+ using perforce in all our projects.
We have tons of small projects 8up to 50-100 per year), because we don´t ship games, but only use unreal to render linear content, so this setup means every new project gets ALL mastertemplate files copied into its local workspace, which creates tons of redundant data.
I´m now actively working on moving all that content into content plugins, because those can now point to an external plugin location, that could be managed and synced separately and that would mean all the plugin content would always be available without having a copy of it in the current projects folder/workspace.

For specialized contents I´m pretty confident that it makes sense, I´m a bit hesitant about “global” content like Master Materials, rigs, blueprints etc, that is also referenced by every other content plugin.
I was thinking about leaving that in the current Mastertemplate and just sync it as before, but that content alone is 10GB, so still lots of waste with the amount of projects we have each year.

Anybody have experience with this?
Are there assets that really SHOULDN´T be in a content plugin (like a mastermaterial/texture library)?
I mean, even if its enabled by default in all new projects?

I´ve reasoned with ChatGPT about this for a while and apart from those plugins not being enabled or me (the plugin manager) not correctly syncing it to its separate perforce depot (that is then being pushed via Dropbox to each users company folder), I couldn´t see many issues, but maybe I´m overlooking something and even though I´m gonna keep the current system intact for older projects, I still don´t wanna be in the middle of the next project figuring out that I had a major oversight…