Handling character respawn

I’ve been following this tutorial: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Gameplay/HowTo/RespawnPlayer/Blueprints/index.html

I’m stuck at this part:
4. Drag off the As ThirdPersonCharacter C pin and add a Assign On Destroyed node.

It doesn’t let me connect them and says “First Person Character Reference is not compatible with Self Reference.”

I’m doing this in the FirstPersonGameMode Event Graph. Any suggestions?

I copied everything over from the game mode blue print to the character blue print, still didn’t work, then found out the Delay function was where it stopped

if I remove the Delay function, it works; my character respawns

but if I add in a Delay, then it never gets past that function, even if I set the Delay to zero…seems like there’s something wrong with that function or I’m missing something

I figured it out by carefully looking at the code in the Mountain Hang glider demo, only part I needed to add was to possess the newly spawned player controlled character. I’m not sure how the Mountain demo seems to get away without doing this.