Canei and Connor McCarthy from +Mpact Games visit Epic to talk Unreal Engine and their game “Hanako: Soul of the Samurai”! +Mpact recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for the game, and Hanako was Greenlit on Steam in only 9 days earlier this year! We’ll be playing through the latest build, talking about it’s development history, and seeing what’s next!
The March Unreal Engine game jam was a blast! “Set It Free” saw lots of newcomers to the forums and engine this time around, as well as a great selection of games made in just under 4 days. We’ll be playing the top 3 games and showing off a highlight reel of all the great submissions for this month.
Looking forward to seeing more of Hanako - Soul of the Samurai. It looks really cool!
Also crazy excited to see my game on the highlight reel. Although it had some bugs I am pretty proud of my first “full” (and that term is put lightly) game ever.
Thank you to Epic for giving the community the to take part in something so wildly amazing!
ya did fine wasn’t this your first game jam? great fun eh?
sorry I didn’t make it to the stream, watched it & it was definitely a good one. Hanako is really looking good, saw it a while back in a post some where and you guys have really outdone yourselves, really nice work.
about 2 days after the game jam, it started bothering me not having actually got my winning condition or the ending that I wanted in my project. since I can’t seem to let things go, I made a more complete version.
would like to check it out, I put an easy mode and also a cheat key in to finish the game and make it easier to see the ending. (~20 sec matinee that applies to the theme - not a AAA production but good enough)
have you considered actually posting this in the international section of the forums for more exposure
I don’t really understand any other language much other than English, well actually still working on it too (from the south, so been mutilating the English language since birth, lol), but I have looked at some of the Japanese work for instance and they are amazing and the international community is into UE4 as much as anyone. you could use google translate etc to post & maybe someone would have enough mercy to translate for you, lol.
seriously i’d think it might make for more exposure especially for your kickstarter program, anyways good luck. we’ll be watching