HammUEr, a Hammer/Worldcraft map importer for Unreal Engine

It’ll be up for sale somewhere before Christmas, I promise.

Big thumbs up for that. Sadly I’d prefer most people sold OFF the marketplace just due to how long it takes to get stuff up there, and updates. Yeah, they say it will be better, but until that happens…

random Q’s:

  1. would this work with Half-Life 2 maps?

  2. has anybody tried this for maps made in the source 2 editor that shipped with dota 2? I think that that possibility was mentioned in one of joe wintergreen’s threads.

  1. It should (assuming you have the original vmf files)
  2. No, Source 2 saves maps in a new binary vmap format, and the Dota2 version of Hammer has no option to export to the original .map or .vmf format.
    (I might add an importer for this in a future version, but at the moment, the answer is no)

It does work with HL2 maps right now, and/but:

-VMEX is a very good and reliable decompiler for the Source engine that works with, I think, pretty much all Source games - including HL2 and even Vampire: Bloodlines. It’ll get you a VMF you can import to HammUEr.

-However, HammUEr doesn’t yet support props (meshes) from Source levels, which HL2 has a lot of. So you’ll only get the base world geo, not stuff like… barrels and handrails and street lights. It’s planned though, last I knew

Oh, that’s cool. Thanks guys.

I cannot wait :smiley:

It’s next on the list, I swear. I hope to get it in before the end of the year. (Unless people run into a lot of problems with the current version and I have to fix those, but hopefully it’ll all go smoothly)

Quake 3 map support would be “Epic”

It’s almost Christmas. :wink:

I know, I know.
I just keep running into stupid little oversight bugs that aren’t critical but don’t make for a great ease of use, so I’m running around like a headless chicken trying to squash those last few annoyances so you guys don’t have to deal with them.

A big hand, please, for


It’s all good, get it out when it’s ready. Was just poking in fun. Though I am dying to play with it.

Get it out when it is ready no need to rush.

I think we’re just testing this last thing and it’s probably ready? But you know, we should all know better than to say that ever

Dude that is just awesome. Really can’t say anything else besides I know what I want for xmas now lol

I want both Modo 901 indie and HammUEr

will be interest to see if I can get some old Raidant .MAP files somehow into UE4 with this.

You almost certainly can - it opens .map, so assuming Radiant doesn’t do anything weird that Hammer doesn’t it’s probably all g