HammUEr, a Hammer/Worldcraft map importer for Unreal Engine

Sweet, thanks!

Does it create actors with hierarchical instanced static mesh components ? (I assume you combine same meshes into one actor, right ?)

Or is it about material instances?

The current setup is:
You can import a map as usual, or you can import it for instancing.
If you want to use Source map instances, you’d thus do the following:

  1. import vmf files that will be instanced with the new ‘Go (for instances)’ button
    1b) repeat until all your instanced vmfs are imported, since this will create a small local datafile for each one
  2. import the vmf file that uses instances normally, with the old ‘Go’ button
    HammUEr will look for a matching datafile when it encounters a “func_instance” entity in a Source vmf file, and if it finds one, it recreates that submap in the current map with the already imported and created meshes.

(The idea was to do it with actual UE streaming levels at first, but apparently, nobody knows how to translate and rotate those from code)

To clarify @motorsep, this is “instancing” in the Hammer editor sense of the word - VMFs within VMFs - not Unreal instanced meshes or materials.

It would be good if there were a way to identify which brushes in the VMF were identical (ignoring scale and rotation) and use instanced meshes for those, but p sure that’d be super complicated and is not happening

oh, I see. So no use for Doom 3 maps then.

Nope, sorry.

One of the problems with this, apart from trying to combine stuff (which with the differences in texturing would be… interesting) is also that the instanced meshes editor interface is incredibly fiddly, so if you want to move one, good luck finding the right one in the cramped little array list…

Yeah, instanced meshes aren’t made to be procedurally moved around… I mean, you could probably use the little “show 3d widget” thing on a transform array to move 'em around but

To bright?

Hey everyone, i want to ask a question i am “Newish” to Unreal Engine especially the Texture node part, i been working on my base texture and my WorldVertexTransition.
i think i am 99% there but the textures look to bright to me, they look like what they are in Hammer editor even with lighting, beside when there in shadows but still look light-ish.
here is the picture i am confused about, not sure if it suppose to look like this. or its meant to be darker in unreal editor even in sunlight: http://imgur.com/Q0UHNuz

here is my base texture and WVT <<<<anyone can use it if you want

Looks normal. Your lighting’s just bright.

I’m not an artist, but at first glance, those look right to me and HammUEr shouldn’t have that much of an influence on how stuff looks…?
Is this with imported lights, or lights added in UE only?

i am doing all lighting within UE4. only thing i import is materials and meshs

Hey i am back after doing some lighting tutorials i learned how it works, but i am still confused with “Valve VTF” textures.

i am using a map from called DR_LAND01 i lowered the sun from intensity 18 to 5 seem like overkill, but here is the problem i am having.

default dr-land texture (texture consists of multiple textures) what i want it to look like (not the multiple part the brightness)

here is the grass texture from the first pic but not mixed (medium brightness even tho texture looks way darker) looks ok

but here is the valve texture.
cs:go import texture (super bright even tho texture look darker)

im not sure what going on, is “Valve VTF” textures washed out super bright??


if i set my diffuse + a constant 0.2 to a multiply i can get it look dark but seems the wrong workflow .
using dr_land01 instant material

with diffuse of grass_b (cs:go)
constant at 1

constant at 0.2

What is a value texture

valve not value :slight_smile:Valve VTF

Oh, okay.

It looks like the textures have converted fine, to be honest - you just need to work on your lighting.

Can you do a tutorial on using this for CSGO maps?

It’s pretty much the same for every Source game, so @joewintergreen’s ancient tutorial should still be valid?

(apart from how to decompile the maps, but there’s tons of other tutorials online for vmex and whatever other decompiler you want to use)

I just can’t figure out how to import the textures

All you have to do is point TextUEr at the folder your VTFs and VMTs are in. You probably have to extract those out of a vpk first though

  1. extract vtf/vmt files from your vpk files to a directory
  2. create UE base materials as shown in the documentation
  3. go to your TextUEr tab and assign the materials to Source material and Decal material
  4. enter a content browser target directory in the “import to” input box
  5. click “choose source directory” and point it at the directory from step 1
  6. click import

And then you miiiiiight have to restart the editor for the new materials to appear but probably not.

If you’ve run into source mdl files that won’t be imported without any explicit error message why, try this solution.
tl;dr: some shipped vtx files seem to be broken, which makes HammUEr ignore them. Removing them and making it fall back on the dx90.vtx file seems to solve the problem (at least for the handful of files I ran into this problem with)