Hello, thanks so much for this tool it seems like the dream of a lifetime to me. I have a question though, are .mdl supported? if not please consider adding support for HalfLife .mdl format.
Source (so HalfLife 2 onwards) mdl files are supported as static meshes, yes.
I bought this the other week, and have subsequently rediscovered how much of an absolute joy Hammer is for level building. There is no greater feeling than being able to lay down level blockouts in freaking MINUTES. Hammer is just so much more of an elegant solution for doing so than UE4’s built-in tools. I haven’t even freaking touched HammUEr yet, but 10/10 for making me go back and use Hammer.
@, are the new mdls from the remakes of Nuke and Inferno also supported? Cheers.
They seem to be, at first blush.
Let me know if you run into one that’s not working, tho.
I’m hitting some walls here - will update once I (think) understand what and where the problem is.
I’ve only had the tool for less than 24 hours, but that has been a *long *24 hours.
Currently running 1.7 in** 4.13**, but have ‘played’ with prior versions in 1.6/4.12.5 and either I am doing something wrong, or there is an issue…but I cannot get textures/materials but can get blank/untextured props/models.
Gimme a little bit more time to toy and tinker some more, but yeah, am having issues…
Strange, there shouldn’t be an issue here.
- Extract vtf/vmt files from your source game to a directory
- Create the base and decal materials as explained in the documentation
- Assign to source material and decal material on the textuer tab
- Give an content import directory name
- Choose source directory (the one from step 1.)
- Click import
This should be everything you need to do to import your source textures and materials.
(Note that if you’re importing an entire game worth of textures/materials, you might have to restart your UE editor for them to show up in the content browser)
Still toying, but I think there is an issue with the content of the assets I am importing. The original mapper used assets from a variety of original (cited) sources, and the conversion is two-step, as the map is in *.BSP format, and not *.VMF
So I need to convert into VMF and then convert the file hierarchy headers and flags prior to attempting HammUEriteing the files into UE4.
What would be incredibly helpful is an enumerate system, where one can:
- Select a folder
- click a button
- Have HammUEr enumerate the folder
- Make selections
- Miller time
This way, the reading and alteration of header files and Source flags are just ‘figured out’ and all one has to do is pick and choose. This is one of the problems of dealing with old systems, as there is always a great deal of conversion issue with the source engine. Custom content moreso, and combined content…worse still.
What would also be úber-helpful, is the creation of a tagging system, so it is clear who or what is due credit for ported content.
Anyway, still toying and playing with the import/conversion process, but more news as it comes.
File hierarchy headers and flags? What? Why
HammUEr will never support BSP, so you’ll have to extract any data from any BSP files you need to import yourself with other, long-established tools like BSP decompilers.
I have no idea what you mean by any of these other things you mentioned.
HammUEr does not alter any “header files” (what?), or any of the files you can import at all.
Sorry for the lack of clarity on headers and flags, I have not looked these old files and their structure in such depth before, so am discovering and learning as I go. I do like to learn though, so the nerdier part of me is in geek-heaven right now
There are a lot of Valve ‘approved’ programs and applications out there by third parties, and part of this exploration of the BSP, VMT, VMF, VTF, VPK file structure has revealed in their (perfectly legitimate and endorsed) decompiled states, lots of additional connected files and ‘config files’. These in their own state then have their own sub-structures to them, linking in files from other sub structures.
Overall, I have opened a can of worms and trying to put them back into the can for HammUEr to propagate in UE4 without any texture/mesh/material options is very very very difficult, due to the fragmented state in which the original files are in.
None of this is your fault, but as indicated; matters are made worse when the import process lacks some kind of (intelligent) enumerate system.
holy hell dude, this is genious !!
Why don’t you just VMEX your map, Mitch?
Sadly, that does not work, but is one of the many third-party programs I have been trying.
and I still have absolutely no idea what you’re trying to do
Well, I haven’t told you anything so I am not surprised
As mentioned, the original mapper used a variety of sources (no pun) all of which are tied into a series of BSP’s, VPK’s, VMT’s, VTF’s. As I have to import a VMF, I have to *decompile *a BSP and *recompile *it into a VMF, and this process is made very difficult, as the original mapper has embedded content spanning approximately 11 years. Part of this has meant they (no fault of their own or yours) had to work with Hammer in such a way that partial content from so many sources becomes fragmented when decompiling.
VMEX does not help, as it last was updated in 2007 and does not coherently decompile something which is as fragmented and disparate as this. It will do it, but the files it provides are either too small dimensionally, or have nomenclature which does not correlate to the original BSP or model(s) and materials used in their creation.
Again, not your fault, just a by-product of what I am looking at. I think in one of your videos you called this ‘brute force’.
Anything (well, quite a lot of things) that worked in Source levels should work out of the box with HammUEr.
VTF texture files should be imported (except maybe the more out there stuff almost nobody uses) with one click, material instances should be created based on the VMT material files to mostly match with the same click…
… oh dear.
Uh… Good luck?
Any news on when the 4.14 version of hammuer will be out?
It’ll be a week or so, probably.
There’s some changes to the 4.14 codebase that need to be tested further, and there’s some of my own bugs I’d like to take a stab at fixing while I’m at it.
There are currently also problems with plugins in 4.14.0 that also seem to impact HammUEr, so I’m waiting to see if anything happens soon.