HammUEr, a Hammer/Worldcraft map importer for Unreal Engine

Probably the same format, but you can’t make your own maps for Live, right?
Anyway, it should support .map files people made for quite a few idTech3 games (Quake3, Wolf:ET, Jedi Knight, etc), although I’m not 100% done yet, probably.

Version 1.5 alpha is now up on both storefronts.
As usual, let me know if you run into any problems.

Quick Quake 3 material import guide:
First, select your quake3 extures directory and let it run in “Both” mode, so it’ll generate materials for every single texture.
Then and only then, select your quake3\scripts directory and let it run in “materials” mode, which should adjust a couple of them.
(The reason why is that quite a lot of the textures aren’t mentioned in the q3 shader files)
As with Doom3, the materials won’t be perfect by a long shot (no animated materials, no strange opengl blend modes, etc), but they’ll be fine for 90+% of the walls and floors.

just wanted to be sure before I install 1.5 that I need 4.12? Looks like 4.12 is still a beta of sorts? meaning my 4.11 doesn’t request to update but I can add version of UE to my launcher and it says 4.12.0 Preview 5. Just want to make sure I don’t do anything incorrectly.

Also I wanted to give you an update turf… So I grouped more objects and still had some lighting issues. The archways got fixed but in other cases I still see problems. Is there a possibility that I’m just grouping too much stuff together? If you want I can send you my updated .vmf and you can give it another import but I wouldn’t want to waste your time. I could send a portion of the map to you, if it turns out that the portion of the map ports over perfectly, could it be I just have too much stuff in my map?

and I was reading through the full documentation, on page 6, the top picture, this looks like what we were trying to do with the displacement alphas, is this what we should emulate then import all of our non-decal textures through that?

No, like before, there’s a build for every “recent” version of UE (4.10 through the latest 4.12 preview. Sorry, people still stuck on 4.9, but the VS2013/2015 split makes cross-version support hard).
Just grab the archive for the version you’re using (HammUEr <datestamp if you’re getting the gumroad version> 4.15 for 4.11) and extract it over your old HammUEr install, and you should be upgraded.

Uh, maybe?
Depending on your lightmap size, you can’t go too big/intricate either.
Try boosting your lightmap size for those objects first?
(Also, if anyone with more experience wants to chime in, please do. Most of my UE lightmapping experience boils down to ‘build lighting’, ‘yes, this looks nice’)

Basically, yes, filling in another version of everything “left” of the top WorldVertexTransition switch to the left of the bottom one for the normals (with different parameter names, of course)
This’ll give you a material that can do both “simple” Source textures (with a base color texture and a normal texture, most of the time) and blending materials for displacements without you having to separate them or build separate materials or anything.

Hey !

This is amazing piece of code you did! Definitely will buy this in short, but is your plug-in supports Counter-Strike Global Offensive maps to be exported to UE4 if I have maps in .vmf format?


Btw, I just thought of something and I am not sure how it could work, if at all.

Basically, when importing BSP maps, you end up with **** load of materials/textures. I’d like to make texture atlas (several 4k texture sheets instead of hundreds of textures of various resolutions). It’s possible with UE4, but not possible with Hammer/Radiant (in older engines you can’t have textures atlas and tiling in both directions textures).

How would I solve this problem in UE4, after importing map ? (the main issue I see is losing texture alignment)

And yes, CS:GO is supported as well. (Old, old shots before the smoother and the two-sided shadowing, etc)

No clue, sorry.

Also, people using 4.12, give me a couple of hours to download the final 4.12 release, I’ll update the 4.12 version of the plugin when it’s done.

well I set it to 64 like you had in your config image, increase it even more you think? That would require a new import, yes?

also downloading the official 4.12, I’ll wait for your update

No, just select the affected meshes and increase the lightmap setting in the lighting section, then rebuild your lighting.

This is slightly out of date, but also take a look at this wiki, maybe.

Alright, took me a bit but I found the setting to increase the lightmap size. building lighting now, is there an unsafe limit we shouldn’t go beyond? I assume keeping lightmap low is part of optimizing the map in UE

It’s a tradeoff between texture memory usage and lighting detail.
There’s much better learning resources out there, but a quick visual explanation.

The build for 4.12.0 is now up

ooh, thank you so much, this is really making a difference! maybe smaller groups is better actually, the more stuff grouped into one, the bigger the lightmap (I think… at least that’s what I’m seeing from experimentation).

Basically, only group arches, adjacent displacements or things that consist of small sections next to each other.
This’ll run them through the smoother and vertex welder and lower the chance of lighting seams.

Updated build for the 4.12.1 hotfix pushed.

Any way to fix these lightning issues with groupmeshes?

Edit: I’m stupid. I just needed to be more place nodraw better. If you have texture instead of nodraw between meshes that connect, you get these lightning “borders”.

Yeah, UE’s lightmapping handles each mesh as a totally separate case IIRC, so if you still have “inside” sides on lots of smaller, separate meshes, the “total darkness” they’re in has a huge effect on the connecting polygons.

Updated build for the new 4.12.2 hotfix pushed.

Any idea why the scaling isn’t working at all? Using HL1 as a test 4.12.2 version of engine and hammuer

Just tested it and it should work fine…
This might sound like a stupid question, but did you hit enter to confirm after you changed the scale value?

(Also, note that if this is a decompiled HL1 map, as far as I know there are no HL1 decompilers that handle textures right)

How goes ? Anything new cooking for Quake / Doom 3 maps ? (or in general)