Halloween Pumpkins - CreepItReal - Unreal Challenge

Title: Halloween Pumpkins

Student Submission: No


I’ve just finished a week long training course in Unreal, so I wanted to play around to help remember and galvanise some of what I had learned - and a spooky Halloween scene seemed perfect for me.
So, I did what all good 3D artists do and used some existing assets and then sprinkled on some-fairy dust.

I also sacrificed a goat - so lets hope I win a prize because goats aren’t cheap in the run up to Halloween!

Engine: Unreal 5.1

Credits to sourced content:

Starter assets


Unreal Marketplace October Free Assets

Unreal Marketplace Paid Asset


CF Halloween Font

Sound Effects Royalty Free


I just added some sound effects in Premiere, in addition to the audio WAV from the scene.


Very fun and extra points for the goat comment! :smile:

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Hey there @mynewcat,

Hope you’re doing well and having a wonderful week so far!

Firstly, I have to say how brilliant the audio for this submission is. The fire crackles and thunderstorm are just so cozy, especially given the creepy(and cute!) vibes of the rest of the video.
Secondly, the pumpkins, specifically, are adorable. The tiny little smile one? Love it! :laughing:

Thanks for sharing your art and good luck in the challenge!

PS: Hope the goat has found peace.


…In my Vincent Price Thriller voice…

It was a dark and stormy night
The ethereal reaper was nowhere in sight
His familiar scythe lay alone near the fence
While the jack-o-lanterns glowed in creepy suspense
It was later discovered a sacrifice was made
An innocent goat in a slaughterhouse laid
Blood, fairy dust, and will was again
The things that were needed for newcat’s next win

Bwahahahaha! :ghost:


Amazing poem thanks very much - I think I may able to guess roughly which part of which country you come from when you rhyme “again” and “win” hahaha!


Thank you @mynewcat ! You’re most welcome! :jack_o_lantern:

I was inspired by your Halloween Pumpkins, Michael Jackson’s Thriller, and your goat joke! Yes, I do not speak the Queen’s English. LOL! You caught me!


The King’s English now! :slight_smile:


Too right! Pardon me. *achem! The King’s English! :crown: