Hallo to the community I have two problems with Twinmotion 2022.2. Does anybody have the same? It's about the scattering tool and the reimport of FBX files.

After having scattered vegetation with Lawn01 borders, which I would more

prefer to paint by the way, but which is not pssible anymore since version 2019,

when reloading my project the scattered grass is totaly gone...

Really? Not really... After opening the references dialog and clicking O.K.

its "back on the track"...

But this only works when opening the dialog window by mouse! CTRL-P does not!!!

Another problem occurs when reimporting an FBX file. A lot of texures are gone,

so that my project seems to be totaly destroyed. Saving and reloading the project

brings it back to normal und reduces blood pressure...

That should be noticable bevore releasing it to the customers...

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community regarding the issues with the Painted/Scattered grass and missing/white textures when reimporting an FBX file.

At this time we are working on addressing the missing/white texture bug in an update. The most common workaround is to close and reopen the project but you can also open the Preferences > Quality settings and change any setting to something else and press ok. This will refresh the viewport and display texture correctly. You can then go back and reset the quality settings how they were.

I am not completely certain to understand the issue with the grass and would need further information to be certain on how to respond. Would you be able to contact us directly and provide further details and the example Twinmotion file from 2019. Here is the link to contact us directly:


Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Many thanks to you Vincent for your quick answer.

I have contacted your support team concerning the detail grass problem the way you asked me to do.

But let me explain, what I wanted to tell you:

Till Twinmotion version 2019 it was possible to paint all kind of trees, bushes, grass and so on...

In newer versions this is indeed still possible, but.... Since detail grass got an own folder,

none of these types of grass in that folder can't be used by drag and drop anymore, for painting them.

This is a great pity, because painting grass is much more resource saving than scattering vegetation and by the way not as dangerous concerning stabability...

Why shoult I scatter hunderts of square meters, when I only need to paint a few for a single nice photo shooting...

Thanks a lot in advance.

Tom Berger.