HairWorks Exporter For Blender

Hi, how much progress have you done on the exporter ? what’s the eta of its developpement ?

Love BLENDER people !!! More Blender’s additions different and delicious !!!

Every time I try this got the same issue and I can’t really do anything with Skeletal meshes exported from blender, seems like orientation on the FBX and the .APEX file are not the same, so the hairpiece goes somewhere else whenever I play an animation inside the Hairworks editor and Unreal Engine. Is anybody having issues with orientation while using this pluggin?

In blender thescene had been scaled to match the UE4 scale


The mesh and Armature where generated by the UE4 tools for blender, the LocRotScale had been applied so there’s nothing weird there:


These are the export options I use:


And here’s an example of what I see once I export it and open in Hairworks:

Have Blender 2.78a, UE 4.13.1 (from github with Hairworks) and Hairworks v1.2
I leave the files if anybody want to reproduce the issue but I’m thinking I have something wrong with the orientation so I would really appreciate your help!

thanks for sharing the post is veary usefull and great for me. [RIGHT]باربری سپند بار]( - اتوبار](اتوبار-تهران/)[/RIGHT]

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