Hair Rendering Simulation test

I could be wrong, but TressFX 2.0 has been out for a while:
Direct Link:

It is, but mentioned new version coming out soon. Infiktrator misunderstood i guess.

is already using the v2.0 code, as far as I know. I was talking about v2.2 of the sample, which exists internally at AMD but hasn’t been published yet (though it will be “soon”).

Amazing work !

Off topic question to , did you update your two other plugins to make them work with 4.2 or not yet?

Not yet, I am still using 4.1.1. As I was using the 4.2 preview but was having some issues with blueprints, so decided to stay with 4.1.1 (So i rolled back my 4.2 changes at that time) until 4.2 was released. Now 4.2 has been released, I have made a vast number of additions to the engine that I have to port all of them across (Which is very time consuming) to be able to move to 4.2. So for now I am staying with 4.1.1.

If I get some time today, I will look at porting just the FluidSurface and WindowsMovieTexture plugins across to 4.2 (As I do have it installed). But FluidSurface will require some refactoring of the FluidSurfaceVertexFactory.usf code as things have changed slightly in 4.2

Just curious b/c no one has picked up on your foliage pic (which looks great BTW) but what’s the performance impact of such a method of rendering grass? Could it feasibly be used as a replacement for grass geometry cards (obviously with a limited draw distance, but still)? Nice stuff man, nice stuff.

edit post to say: I want furry grass! Yeah, I said it.

How’s progress? Dying to see more of this. Really impressed with your work.

Haha, right now the performance is not great, that small patch rendered fine, but that was only 50k strands, pushing it to 500k strands for a bigger area starts to cause performance issues. But that is partly because it is very unoptimized code. It would probably only be feasible for small patches of grass. Also the wind algorithm needs some improving, as of right now it just blows all the hair strands in the same direction with the same force, so it looks very artificial

Progress is slow, but is still going ahead. I am working on the editor integration side now, so things such as the Asset editor, bindings into the material editor. So you will be able to define colors/textures based on root UV coordinates and individual strand UV coordinates. So for example you could color different parts of the hair different colors and also color the roots different to the tips of the strand.

With the release of NVidia HairWorks, I will continue to work on this, until I have all the editor integrations in place and then I will release to the community as is. And I will work on a HairWorks integration as well if they allow me access to the SDK (Still waiting on a response to that)

Oooh good luck with that!

I hope they say yes!


Great work !

Wow, this looks -amazing- so far. I will be stalking this thread closely…

So in the posts you’ve mentioned 3ds max hair to be exported, have you also worked on integration for Maya hair curves? or is it just going to be max for now?

I have a quick and dirty script for coverting maya hair data into the required format as well, I have focused more on 3dsmax because that is what I am more comfortable using. But in the end anyone can really write a script for any 3d package. As long as you can export the hair curves as splines. Then massage that data to match the data expected on import.

Cool, Thanks Eham, I’l get to work then! Lets see if I can get a cool hair thing running when you’re ready to release so you can have some demo examples! (if you want them)

So next I have yet another question for you. in your last update with the video caption you said you were working on the collisions, self collisions are cool, but how are the hair strands going to say, wrap around the head, or levitate a few inches above the shoulders, to phrase it shortly, will the strands collide with Physics assets Capsule Colliders, if you choose them to do so.

They will have their own collision objects. Cylinders and Spheres can be defined and the hair will collide with them, the plan is to import the hair strands into UE4 then inside a special Hair editor in UE4 you would setup the collision objects, I dont have any plans for world collisions at this time.

Awesome, thanks. Looking forward to see more.

There will be a bit of a delay on any more features, as I am porting the code to v4.3 which has required some substantial changes to the rendering portion of the hair simulation. So I have put a hold on the editor integration until this is done.

Awesome Thread…

Nice! Was thinking to use GameWorks for our game project… but then read it doesn’t work great with AMD, so kinda stuck what to do with hair and fur for our game project :confused:


Did you try asking someone from Staff of UE4 to make a request for the HairWorks SDK in your place and send it to you? Reason for the long reply period may be becouse generic/corporation contact email.

NVidia did respond, apparently HairWorks SDK is still in closed beta, I have asked them if I could be a part of the closed beta and I am still waiting for a response on that. If anyone from Epic would like to contact NVidia on my behalf, then that would be great, and I would be greatly appreciative, otherwise I will continue to wait and work on TressFX.