Guys I Need your help, I Would like stamina to end and my character couldn’t defend himself.

But, I got bug. help me fix this.

Please forgive me I disturbing you
I would like stamina to end and my character couldn’t defend himself. But, my character just freezing
I mean. If my Stamina will be zero. My character should let go of the shield. And she doesn’t have to defend herself. I don’t know where I went wrong, Stamina shows zero but she defends herself and still stands like this

I can see four crucial issues.

First, on your Block input action, you shouldn’t check if the player has enough stamina when releasing. That should only be checked when pressed.

You also don’t have anything forcing the player to release the shield. I suggest adding a check in tick to force the player to stop blocking if they don’t have enough stamina.
This can be done like so:

You are also recovering stamina when the player is holding the shield. Make sure to add a check to make sure the player isn’t holding a shield before recovering stamina.
Like so:

As well as that, though it technically works as it is now, you shouldn’t be calling stamina recovery from tick. Make a timer that triggers every second, and create it in beginplay.
That timer can be created like so:

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OK. Thank You so much. Thanks for udemy lessons I Got so many Problems. Sorry about this.
Pls Stay Here. If i cant fix this. Pls

my event tick here. how to I Connected