Guys I Need your help, I Would like stamina to end and my character couldn’t defend himself.

But, I got bug. help me fix this.

Hey @Royday!

Could you explain in detail what exactly is going wrong? Currently it is difficult for us to tell just by images alone as the title is also vague. Please try to give as much detail as possible in your what your intended end result is and what is currently happening.

Any additional specifics may go a long way in solving your problem!

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Please forgive me I disturbing you
I would like da stamina to end and my character couldn’t defend himself. But, my character just freezing
I mean. If my Stamina will be zero. My character should let go of the shield. And she doesn’t have to defend herself. I don’t know where I went wrong, Stamina shows zero but she defends herself and still stands like this

Please forgive me. I am late

Hey @Royday!

So first and foremost, in your blocking requires 10 points of stamina for both pressing and releasing, meaning if you have less than 10 points you are stuck in whatever position you began in.

Try getting rid of the bottom branch (the release branch) and setting the false for your block (top branch) to also unblock. You are most likely also going to need to have a separate event that once stamina is below your threshold, forces block to be false regardless of your button press.

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