Guten Tag, wir nutzen TwinMotion in unserem Büro an unterschiedlichen Arbeitsplätzen und mit unterschiedlichen Usern (Time/Desk-sharing). Wir würden gerne die Bibliotheken (Inhalte) herunterladen ...

Guten Tag, wir nutzen TwinMotion in unserem Büro an unterschiedlichen Arbeitsplätzen und mit unterschiedlichen Usern (Time/Desk-sharing). Wir würden gerne die Bibliotheken (Inhalte) herunterladen und auf einem Server hinterlegen. Was müssen wir tun?

Offensichtlich muss man hier für jeden PC und jeden User die Bibliotheken (40-50GB!) extra laden und speichern.

Darüber hinaus lassen sich die Bibliotheken (fast) nur mit abgeschalteter Firewall vernünftig downloaden - weil die Anmeldung nicht ausgelesen wird. Es sei denn man schaltet alle mögliche Ports und die lange Liste der angegebenen Internetseiten frei. Für ein Büro unserer Größe eine unzumutbare Voraussetzung!

Szenario: TwinMotion gestartet und angemeldet -> Epic Games Launcher gestartet und angemeldet -> download innerhalb TM funktionieren nicht weil "man sich anmelden soll" - so geht es nicht.

Was läuft da schief - wie können wir das Problem lösen ohne die FW abzuschalten?


When you say you want to download and store the libraries on a server, which specific libraries are you referring to? Is this for the User Library (custom models imported into Twinmotion saved for later) or for the Cloud Libraries (Twinmotion Cloud, Quixel Megascans, and Sketchfab). If you want to download and sync the Cloud Libraries, for all users, there isn't an easy way to do so, as there re limits to the amount of items that can be downloaded by Twinmotion at any given time, and a user's account is needed to download the content. Sketchfab in particular also is composed almost entirely of user-generated content which is constantly being updated, so we only recommend downloading assets as needed to avoid a constantly expanding storage usage by the Cloud Libraries.

For your firewall issues, please make sure that services in the Twinmotion Requirements for remote services article are not being blocked by your firewall. If these services are whitelisted on your firewall, you should be able to download content with no issue so long as an account is signed into Twinmotion.

For storing the contents of Libraries on a server, it may be possible to set up a network drive with the Libraries and set the file path for the Twinmotion Libraries in Edit > Custom paths to this location, although I cannot guarantee that this may work.



Hello Raghib,

many thanks for the answer. Yes, it actually primarily affects the TM Cloud libraries that we wanted to share on our server in the LAN. It does not work. Create a folder, release it and copy the downloaded elements there (works) - but if the user-defined path in TM refers to it - the content will be deleted without a query...!!!

Allowing all specified ports and websites in the firewall poses a very high risk - and that's just to download content. The risk is disproportionate to the benefit of the download. EPIC has to make significant improvements here. This is not about a gaming PC that is at home, where you can switch off or reprogram the firewall. This is a company with high security standards and professional software. So it is incomprehensible that such security settings are required for the software to work.

Sorry - but that's not good help.


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