Gun game issue skipping guns sometimes

Having Issue with my gun game. Sometimes it will skip gun for no reason. But most of the time is ok.

I don’t if its a issue when players join or what.


Here is the map 7298-1477-0485

Can you show your script ?

I thought I pasted it oops will paste it again, still learning verse.

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

elimination_game_device := class(creative_device):

EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}

# Array of item granters used to grant the weapons
var WeaponItemGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}

var Sentries : []sentry_device = array{}

# This is set later, this will be equal to the the number of weapon item_granters in the island
var NumberOfEliminationsToWin : int = 0

# Map container to track players progress. This is how to determine which weapon to award to the player
var AgentMap : [agent]int = map{}

    # Can use this variable to scale the number of eliminations needed based on how many item granters there are in the experience
    set NumberOfEliminationsToWin = WeaponItemGranters.Length
    Print("Number of Weapon Item Granters: {WeaponItemGranters.Length}")
    # Randomize the order in which the weapons are granted
    #set WeaponItemGranters = Shuffle(WeaponItemGranters)

    # Get all the players in the experience
    AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
    for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
        if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
            FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to eliminated event
        # Add Players to a Map to track progress
        if (set AgentMap[EliminationGamePlayer] = 1) {} 
        # Grant the first weapon to each player
        if (FirstItemGranter:item_granter_device = WeaponItemGranters[0]):

 # Subscribe to new players joining the game
 for (Sentry : Sentries):
    Sentry.EliminatedEvent.Subscribe(TestPlayerEliminated) # Subscribe to each Sentry



# Event that handles when a player is eliminated
    Print("Player Eliminated")
    EliminatingCharacter := Result.EliminatingCharacter
    if (FortCharacter := EliminatingCharacter?):
        if (EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):

TestPlayerEliminated(Agent: ?agent) : void =
    Print("Sentry Down!")
    if(EliminatingAgent := Agent?):

# Check if there is a winner for the game, if not then grant the next weapon
    if (var CurrentItemNumber:int = AgentMap[Agent]):
        if (IsVictoryConditionMet(CurrentItemNumber) = true):
            EndGame(Agent) # Game has been won
        else: # Game is not over yet
            set CurrentItemNumber = CurrentItemNumber + 1
            if (ItemGranter := WeaponItemGranters[CurrentItemNumber - 1]):
            if (set AgentMap[Agent] = CurrentItemNumber) {}

# Check if the victory condition has been met and return the the result
        EliminationNumber = NumberOfEliminationsToWin
        return true
        return false


# Handles a new player joining the game

OnPlayerAdded(InPlayer : player) : void =
    Print("A New Player Joined!")
        FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
        set AgentMap[InPlayer] = 1
        FirstItemGranter:= WeaponItemGranters[0]
        Print("Set new player weapon tier to 0 in the TeamMap")
        FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to this player's elimination event

Looks okay to me, but is this happening when players join twice ? I believe the InPlayer.FortCharacter[].EliminatedEvent().Subscribe will stay subscribed if you don’t unsubscribe inside OnPlayerRemoved

Otherwise I’m not sure, maybe check if you don’t have any additional direct event binding on your granters?

Dont’ think so How would I do a player removed.

The same way you did OnPlayerAdded :+1:

Thanks will give it a try

1 Like

Hmm can’t figure out how to unsubscribe, and there really is not much documentation on how to do that.

Do you have a example? OnplayerRemove Unsubscribe?

So basically, every subscribable.Subscribe() function returns a cancelable type which can be canceled by calling cancelable.Cancel() (see cancelable interface)

Requires a bit of programing knowledge for sure

Thanks but still a noob at this verse script and I learn very well by example so if you can help write a section that would really apprciated

Ok I think I got it

I added these 2


OnPlayerRemoved(InPlayer : player) : void =
Print(“A New Player Joined!”)
FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter
set AgentMap[InPlayer] = 1
#FirstItemGranter:= WeaponItemGranters[0]
#Print(“Set new player weapon tier to 0 in the TeamMap”)
FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated).Cancel # Unsubscribe to this player’s elimination event

Seems to still not work as if I am player 0 and player 1 leaves the game, player 0 skips guns

Can you show your updated formatted code ?

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

elimination_game_device := class(creative_device):

EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}

# Array of item granters used to grant the weapons
var WeaponItemGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}

var Sentries : []sentry_device = array{}

# This is set later, this will be equal to the the number of weapon item_granters in the island
var NumberOfEliminationsToWin : int = 0

# Map container to track players progress. This is how to determine which weapon to award to the player
var AgentMap : [agent]int = map{}

    # Can use this variable to scale the number of eliminations needed based on how many item granters there are in the experience
    set NumberOfEliminationsToWin = WeaponItemGranters.Length
    Print("Number of Weapon Item Granters: {WeaponItemGranters.Length}")
    # Randomize the order in which the weapons are granted
    #set WeaponItemGranters = Shuffle(WeaponItemGranters)

    # Get all the players in the experience
    AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
    for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
        if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
            FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to eliminated event
        # Add Players to a Map to track progress
        if (set AgentMap[EliminationGamePlayer] = 1) {} 
        # Grant the first weapon to each player
        if (FirstItemGranter:item_granter_device = WeaponItemGranters[0]):

 # Subscribe to new players joining the game
 for (Sentry : Sentries):
    Sentry.EliminatedEvent.Subscribe(TestPlayerEliminated) # Subscribe to each Sentry


# Event that handles when a player is eliminated
    Print("Player Eliminated")
    EliminatingCharacter := Result.EliminatingCharacter
    if (FortCharacter := EliminatingCharacter?):
        if (EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):

TestPlayerEliminated(Agent: ?agent) : void =
    Print("Sentry Down!")
    if(EliminatingAgent := Agent?):

# Check if there is a winner for the game, if not then grant the next weapon
    if (var CurrentItemNumber:int = AgentMap[Agent]):
        if (IsVictoryConditionMet(CurrentItemNumber) = true):
            EndGame(Agent) # Game has been won
        else: # Game is not over yet
            set CurrentItemNumber = CurrentItemNumber + 1
            if (ItemGranter := WeaponItemGranters[CurrentItemNumber - 1]):
            if (set AgentMap[Agent] = CurrentItemNumber) {}

# Check if the victory condition has been met and return the the result
        EliminationNumber = NumberOfEliminationsToWin
        return true
        return false


# Handles a new player joining the game

OnPlayerAdded(InPlayer : player) : void =
    Print("A New Player Joined!")
        FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
        set AgentMap[InPlayer] = 1
        FirstItemGranter:= WeaponItemGranters[0]
        Print("Set new player weapon tier to 0 in the TeamMap")
        FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to this player's elimination event

OnPlayerRemoved(InPlayer : player) : void =
    Print("A New Player Joined!")
        FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
        FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated).Cancel # Unsubscribe to this player's elimination event

Can you post the formatted code ?

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

elimination_game_device := class(creative_device):

    EndGameDevice : end_game_device = end_game_device{}

    # Array of item granters used to grant the weapons
    var WeaponItemGranters : []item_granter_device = array{}

    var Sentries : []sentry_device = array{}
    # This is set later, this will be equal to the the number of weapon item_granters in the island
    var NumberOfEliminationsToWin : int = 0
    # Map container to track players progress. This is how to determine which weapon to award to the player
    var AgentMap : [agent]int = map{}

        # Can use this variable to scale the number of eliminations needed based on how many item granters there are in the experience
        set NumberOfEliminationsToWin = WeaponItemGranters.Length
        Print("Number of Weapon Item Granters: {WeaponItemGranters.Length}")
        # Randomize the order in which the weapons are granted
        #set WeaponItemGranters = Shuffle(WeaponItemGranters)

        # Get all the players in the experience
        AllPlayers := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
        for (EliminationGamePlayer : AllPlayers):
            if (FortCharacter := EliminationGamePlayer.GetFortCharacter[]):
                FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to eliminated event
            # Add Players to a Map to track progress
            if (set AgentMap[EliminationGamePlayer] = 1) {} 
            # Grant the first weapon to each player
            if (FirstItemGranter:item_granter_device = WeaponItemGranters[0]):
     # Subscribe to new players joining the game
     for (Sentry : Sentries):
        Sentry.EliminatedEvent.Subscribe(TestPlayerEliminated) # Subscribe to each Sentry


    # Event that handles when a player is eliminated
        Print("Player Eliminated")
        EliminatingCharacter := Result.EliminatingCharacter
        if (FortCharacter := EliminatingCharacter?):
            if (EliminatingAgent := FortCharacter.GetAgent[]):
    TestPlayerEliminated(Agent: ?agent) : void =
        Print("Sentry Down!")
        if(EliminatingAgent := Agent?):

    # Check if there is a winner for the game, if not then grant the next weapon
        if (var CurrentItemNumber:int = AgentMap[Agent]):
            if (IsVictoryConditionMet(CurrentItemNumber) = true):
                EndGame(Agent) # Game has been won
            else: # Game is not over yet
                set CurrentItemNumber = CurrentItemNumber + 1
                if (ItemGranter := WeaponItemGranters[CurrentItemNumber - 1]):
                if (set AgentMap[Agent] = CurrentItemNumber) {}

    # Check if the victory condition has been met and return the the result
            EliminationNumber = NumberOfEliminationsToWin
            return true
            return false


    # Handles a new player joining the game

    OnPlayerAdded(InPlayer : player) : void =
        Print("A New Player Joined!")
            FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
            set AgentMap[InPlayer] = 1
            FirstItemGranter:= WeaponItemGranters[0]
            Print("Set new player weapon tier to 0 in the TeamMap")
            FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated) # subscribe to this player's elimination event
    OnPlayerRemoved(InPlayer : player) : void =
        Print("A New Player Joined!")
            FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
            FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated).Cancel # Unsubscribe to this player's elimination event

Thanks, so here you’re only getting the reference to the Cancel function, you’re not actually calling it, maybe doing .Cancel() would work better.

But even with this, you’re only cancelling a new subscriber you just created (using .Subscribe() )

The .Subscribe() call you make in OnBegin returns an actual cancelable, and it’s this one you need to call .Cancel() on.

But it’s still strange imo that your player gets granted a weapon when the other player leaves, this is not what I understood in the first place…

Sorry Let me try and explain a bit better.

Player 0 is on Weapon 1
Player 1 gets a elimiation which moves him to Weapon 2.
Player 1 leaves the Game
Player 0 gets an elimination which moves him to weapon 3(should be weapon 2)

So it is skipping for the player 0 if that makes sense.

Does the issue happen if player doesn’t reconnect ? You didn’t try my solution yet, maybe it will fix it.

I thought that onplayerRemoved function does this.

I call GetPlayspace().PlayerRemovedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerRemoved)

So this gets the playspace and the player removed then I call the function which

OnPlayerRemoved(InPlayer : player) : void =
        Print("Player has left")
            FortCharacter := InPlayer.GetFortCharacter[]
            FortCharacter.EliminatedEvent().Subscribe(OnPlayerEliminated).Cancel # Unsubscribe to this 

So this function from what I can tell gets the player and then cancels it.

Or is this not where I am supposed to do this.

thanks for the help by the way, Verse is not my cup of tea compared to other languages