gun from FP examples suddenly turned 90 degrees?

ok, playing around with the sample content.
somehow ive managed to screw things up and when the gun is picked up its always pointing to the left instead of straight forward.
what i was trying to do is replace the arms mesh to a full body mesh and then things started to get weird.

also, what i dont understand is that it attaches to the grip socket on the manequin but the FP uses the ‘arms’ mesh, not the entire mesh.
on the arms mesh there is no grip socket even at all. perhaps this is some form of inheritance.

ive tried as much as possible restore settings to the clean fp examples but what ever i do, it keeps pointing to the left.

since its like a perfect 90 degree deviation i dont think it has anything to do with the grip socket, it attaches fine but somehow somewhere else is some setting that rotates it.

oh wait, the arms mesh do have a grippoint, reset the it to default settings which causes the preview to have a gun that points left but in the game it now point right?!