GUI error: buttons do not switch in sidebar, but do switch in bottombar... Mystery...

Hi all,

I have modified one of the standard content examples and now I have an interesting error.
I can use all the buttons and click on them and it all works, except for switching between the buttons on the side bar.( picture 1)
If I click the topbutton first ( see picture 2) then I get the menu for that button.
But if I don’t click anything else, and click on the bottombutton instead, it get two menus on top of eachother (see picture 3).
But when I click on one of the buttons, that menu will dissappear.


The error is this text: ( I have googled it many times, but nothing similar has come up)

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property VariantSet_5_53DD780140AA80DE303F9FB135D2EA55”. Node: SetText (Text) Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph WBP Popup Selector Blueprint: WBP_PopupSelector
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property VariantSet_5_53DD780140AA80DE303F9FB135D2EA55”. Node: Branch Graph: ForLoop Function: Execute Ubergraph WBP Popup Selector Blueprint: WBP_PopupSelector

Can anyone give me some ideas on where to look or how to solve this?
Thanks in advance,


Hey Rob,

did you solve the problem?

I had the same Error Message. The solution for me was to change the World Settings, GameModeOverride to: BP_ConfigGameMode. It was set to None before.
After that the Error disapeared.

Best regards, Sarah