I am a little confused on what the best way to make in game menus is. I have seen some people mention the Slate tool and others have recommended a Blueprint approach.
Is there a prefered method? Does anyone have any good links to examples? Should I try to copy the something from one of the example games that ships with UE?
Slate is a scripting method, not something that’s all that particularly fun to do. UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) is a way to create a UI much more easily.
UMG is still experimental. Slate is more flexible and stable. There’s no GUI which can’t be implemented with Slate. I was able to make a very complex GUI with movable, pinnable and resizable windows and widgets.
The best example of Slate GUI is ShooterGame. But it’s advanced one. I would recommend to start with wiki tutorials.
I think i will also use C++ Slate, by following reasons:
I can not be sure, that UMG widget blueprints will successfully transform from UE4.5.0 to UE4.6.0 etc. If i am using C++ code, i can always transform code manually.
UMG is really limited and experimental.
When i was using Unity3D, i discovered, that procedural UI is much better/flexible than declarative UI.
So, i will prefer Slate to UMG, by the same reasons why i prefer C++ code to Blueprints. C++ code is easier to use and maintain.