GUI Confusion

I am a little confused on what the best way to make in game menus is. I have seen some people mention the Slate tool and others have recommended a Blueprint approach.

Is there a prefered method? Does anyone have any good links to examples? Should I try to copy the something from one of the example games that ships with UE?


Slate is a scripting method, not something that’s all that particularly fun to do. UMG (Unreal Motion Graphics) is a way to create a UI much more easily.

Oh UMG looks relatively promising! Thanks!

I setup a simple menu and the entire editor crashes when I try to play the game, if I have the menu set to show up on Begin Play.

UMG is still in the experimental stages. It should be mostly working come 4.5.

UMG is still experimental. Slate is more flexible and stable. There’s no GUI which can’t be implemented with Slate. I was able to make a very complex GUI with movable, pinnable and resizable windows and widgets.

The best example of Slate GUI is ShooterGame. But it’s advanced one. I would recommend to start with wiki tutorials.

I think i will also use C++ Slate, by following reasons:

  1. I can not be sure, that UMG widget blueprints will successfully transform from UE4.5.0 to UE4.6.0 etc. If i am using C++ code, i can always transform code manually.

  2. UMG is really limited and experimental.

  3. When i was using Unity3D, i discovered, that procedural UI is much better/flexible than declarative UI.

So, i will prefer Slate to UMG, by the same reasons why i prefer C++ code to Blueprints. C++ code is easier to use and maintain.