Greetings! If i try to move a group with surface snapping on, selecting the group in the viewport does not select the GROUPACTOR, and after moving the group the pivot stays on the same place. Becouse the Groupactor is not selected, its difficult for me to Visibility->show selected only. Becouse it hides my selection , becouse it hides the unselected group actor. Selecting the groupactor from the content browser is not an option for me, becouse if i got like 200 groups, its hard to find which one is the one im looking for.
(sorry for reposting, i added the first post in the wrong section!)
Thx Regards Előd S.
Which version of the Engine are you working within? I’m currently trying to reproduce this on 4.8 Preview 1 and I have not been able to successfully reproduce this issue. When I group the actors together, the pivot moves along with the item group.
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
Hello .
I am running 4.7.6, but i tried it also on 4.8.0 . This occurs only when surface snap is on, and you drag the X and Y directions at the same time or if you drag by the exact pivot(the yellow sphere on the gizmo)
I will try today on the 4.8.0 preview 02. I will let you know what the results were.
Have a nice day!
Yes the problem exists also in 4.8.0 prev 2
Thank you so much for your response. I have been able to reproduce this issue on 4.8 preview 2. I have entered a report to our developers. If you wish to check on this in the future, please refer to UE-15516.
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
So good!
Thank you!
You’re welcome. Thanks for pointing this issue out.
Greetings , i was thinking what could resolve the issue. If somehow selecting the groupped objects in the viewport would select the groupactor in the outliner, that would resolve also this issue, and the ´´Show only selected´´ issue too.
Thank you for your idea on how to resolve this. I have linked this post to the actual report so the developers are able to see this comment as well. Hopefully it will help them in fixing the pivot issue.
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for this Awesome fast and efficient response!
Have a nice day too!