Ground plane angled in multi-window view

I’m seeing some odd behavior, but not sure if it’s me or the software. when I have the regular 1+2+1 windows and the 3D view in the last window - the ground plane isn’t straight. It’s angled and it’s been driving me nuts with this model that doesn’t have GPS coords.

However, when I move to one window only, and select the 3D view, the ground plane is straight as it should be.

Am I doing something wrong?



Try to do a “reset view” (in the Scene tab) on the views where you have issues. Maybe you ended up in a quite extreme FOV setting in some of your views.
Look also at your model from some of the orthographic views (left, right,…) to check at the planarity of your ground.

Yes, that should be remedied by a reset.
Orjan, did it work?