Meerkat Tutorial - Migrating the Meerkat Project to UE5 fixing Viewport Banding & Skin discoloration

Managed to solve the problem.
Posted this over the UDN as well .


The meerkat scene has a rendering glitch. As soon as you create a new level in the same project the viewport turns to a mess with color banding and dithering type artifacts.

The problem can be traced to post processing and high Light illumination levels.

Try the following steps to reproduce the problem and solve it.

  1. Create a new level (e.g Time Of Day). Notice the banding in the skydome mesh actor. Toggle it on/off for clarity

In viewport

A new level from the meerkat demo project

2 . Play the level. The problem is exacerbated

In Play mode

3 . Turn off View Mode > exposure > Game Settings > EV100 - -2.8 or so

4 . Turn Off Eye Adaptation . Show > Post Processing > Eye Adaptation

The artifact should be gone…in the viewport only (the problem should persist in the play mode )


5 . You can re-enable the Exposure and Eye - Adaptation settings back to their defaults .

Add a post-process material and set it’s Bound to Infinite extent.

6 . Search for the exposure settings inside the Post process volume > exposure > Manual and Exposure compensation > 1(default). The scene should go dark. Don’t tweak the Exposure compensation slider as yet.

7 . Now increase the lux intensity of your directional light to a high number e.g 1700 lux.

The color banding artifact should go away in the editor and the game mode.

Meerkat skin discoloration based on distance solution

The meerkats skin turns a pale yellow as the camera draws away from the actor.
Increase the world unit scale attribute on the sss map to resolve this.

TIP It’s best to create the meerkat project directly in UE5 instead of converting it from a previous version.
Re-download the project from the launcher and specifically target UE5 as the editor.



Hope this helps someone.