Groom Hair: Niagara Sim/Distance Culling not working

The problem I found is within the “stable spring emitter”, with the emitter update.
Distance culling does not work.

File Path: \ HairStrands \ Content
The system I chose: StableSpringsSystem

Do you have the same problem?
Do any of you know how to solve the problem?


Does one of you know a way to change the hair simulation, dynamically (on and off), in the game, with the distance to the camera

In advance, thank you very much.


Okay questions have been answered.

To all who are interested in: how to get 34 players with Groom Hair Simulation “active” and with +40 FPS.

leave a comment below and I’ll try to explain ^^’

Yes, please, I’d like to know. With just 1 character I’m receiving the error :

Couldn’t find file for package
requested by async loading code.

Hi. Iv’e got the same error.

@Zwibbelmonch were you able to advise what you did to resolve this? I’m trying to build for a multiplayer game.
@anonymous_user_89aad16d, did you ever find a solution?

Could you tell me how you solved it?

If you are working with Metahuman, try to cook the Metahuman folder additionally under project settings. To me it worked.