The metahuman hair keeps flickering between the two states above when i’m capturing it via a Scene Capture Component onto a render target, does anyone know the reason for this?
I also found out that this only happens if the character is not close the player character’s camera, so if i throw my character somewhere far in the world this happens but if i hide it behind the viewing camera its working fine. is there a way to have it work fine also in the distance? i disabled groom LODs so its not that…
Is this a LOD issue, have you tried forcing the LOD to 0?
I’m forcing LOD 0 in the metahuman LODSync component and also disabled LODs in the groom asset
I found that the project setting NearClipPlane is too low, which will cause hair flicker. The default value is 10. Changing this value to the default value of 10 can eliminate this problem . 这太草了
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