Groom Blender to UE5


While exporting my “groom” from blender to UE5, I notice that the curves have a minimal resolution in Unreal. However I would like to get the same resolution as what I see in Blender. Does anyone have a solution?

There is a subdivision and thickness setting for grooms

Hi, are the subdivision settings in the groom settings within UE5? I’m also having the same issue and haven’t found a solution yet. Thanks!

the groom interface has controls for thickness, number of hairs, etc.
you need to brush the hair in blender first tho
maybe there are new groom tools IDK

I’ve faced the same problem recently and solved it by switching to another alembic export from Blender. Standard export always gave me the same angular result in UE5. So I purchased 3d Hair Brush for blender which comes with their export plugin and now the transfer of blender particle hair goes smoothly with the same hair appearance in UE5.
My export preferences look like this →

I found a solution even if it is weird, I just did X2 my “Strans Steps” in blender

Hey Crof, i have the same problem, did you use the new Hair System in Blender?