Groom AutoLOD not working in 5.4

Is the Groom Assets’ Auto LOD Mode not working any more in UE 5.4?
I’ve been using it in 5.3 already, and in 5.4 it doesn’t seem to do anything any more (still using the old LODs).

5.4 release notes say the following:

Add groom AutoLOD mode. This automatically scale grooms’ curve count based on screen coverage and adapt the hair coverage to preserve the look in distance. AutoLOD can be enabled/disabled per project. Groom asset will use project setting, but can override it per asset (Default, Manual, Auto). AutoLOD is enabled by default which improves hair performance overall.

I made a new project, downloaded two fresh metahumans, and I confirmed that the project setting is enabled. In the groom asset, I tried both Default and Auto. What could be the issue?


Sorry for the late reply, I missed this post.

How do you know AutoLOD is not working?

Normally, if it is enabled, when you visualized the hair instance debug data (Lit>Groom>Instances), you should see a ‘Auto’ text in place of the LOD level at the begining of each lines.


(post deleted by author)

Hi Charles, thanks for the reply.
I do see the ‘Auto’ text in place of the LOD level, but if I go further away it gets replaced with a number and I can see the groom asset pop to cards and then meshes. should Auto LOD not replace that entirely?
Best Regards