DevBlogs #42 and #43
DevBlog #42 - F2P update delayed
Greetings all! First off I want to apologize for the lack of DevBlogs and game updates. The past month or so has been rough and I really wanted to wait until I had some good news to report along with the bad. That was a mistake and I won’t let it happen again.
Let’s start with the bad news. We have run into some issues with development of the F2P system and will be pushing back the release date for a month (possibly longer). I have always believed that it is important to never push out a game before it is ready. One of the benefits of being an indie studio is that we are in a position where I can make this decision without the bureaucratic pressure that often comes from publishers and large companies.
Now for the good news. This delay means that we will have time to add more content to the game before the big release. This will mainly be more maps but I am also looking into adding a single-player wave survival mode in which players can test out all of the spells in a fun and challenging mini-game. The delay also means that we will have one more 50% off Early Access sale before release.
The next big patch will introduce the new spells, new character textures, and the newly updated map - Market. This patch will come before the F2P transition and we are hoping that the community will help us test the new spells. We will specifically be looking for bug reports but information on balance and general design is always welcome.
On a personal note I want to assure everyone that I am doing everything possible to get this game finished. I really hate pushing back release dates and I completely understand that you all must be getting frustrated with the lack of updates. Thank you all for being patient with us. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone thinks about the new spells and maps.
DevBlog #43 - A new look for Conquest - Market!
We haven’t had a map update in awhile so I thought I would take some time to share the latest progress. The next map to be added is called Market and some of you may have played earlier versions of it throughout Early Access. It isn’t finished yet but these screenshots should give you a good idea of what it will look like!
With the help of a talented freelancer - Kieran Dubrey and under the direction of our lead artist - Justin Dickerman-Stewart we are using a mix of brand new models and recycled old models to bring a fresh look to Grimoire! By using a fancy snow material that Justin created we can now add realistic looking snow effects to all of our models.
With the addition of a blizzard-like particle effect and some new gameplay elements we are also introducing a dangerous new addition to the already perilous center area of the map. Every few minutes a blinding and powerful blizzard will sweep through the central area causing the ground to be slippery and strong winds to blow players around. Quickly use movement spells and manasteps to escape - or brave the icy winds and try to take advantage of the confusion to capture that highly critical middle point!
In addition to the visuals and blizzard map mechanic we have also made significant changes to the layout of the map. Various unnecessary flanking paths have been removed in order to better streamline and focus combat in central areas. There are still quite a few places where you will be able to teleport over buildings for a quick advantage but there is now no way to simply run from the middle to the final points. We have also added high ground in many places to help with a defender’s advantage and provide multiple tactical choices around each control point.
We hope that the community will help with feedback, bugs and balancing the new changes. This map will be included in the upcoming 48 new spell patch along with some of the other changes we have been working on. That patch will come before the big F2P change so that we can get feedback and bug reports on the new spells. Please let us know what you think of the new map in the comments!