I have a grid of planes (100x100) using a couple of FOR loops…
Is there any way to have the range -5x5 and leave out 0?
I have a grid of planes (100x100) using a couple of FOR loops…
Is there any way to have the range -5x5 and leave out 0?
Not with a loop. You have many methods, including
Write your own macro
Write your own increment function
Use two loops ( for each range )
Is there any reason why you would modify the default For loop for this, instead of adding an offset int or vector value to your for loop output?
you could do something like this to create a grid:
int OffsetX = -20;
int OffsetY = 40;
for (int X = 0; X < 10; X++) {
for (int Y = 0; Y < 10; Y++) {
MyGrid->AddPlane(MyPlane, X + OffsetX, Y + OffsetY);
void MyGrid::AddPlane(UUserWidget* InPlane, int InX, int inY) {
Thanks, will have a try.