Grid system like shown in the description

Right now, I am working on a mechanism that involves holding and placing items at a specific point. I have implemented a line trace that allows me to interact with items I can hold via an interface. This mechanism makes use of the actor to component function, whereby I attach the held item to a spring arm on my character.

I have also created a transparent material, similar to the one in the picture, but I do not intend to create a building system. Instead, the objective is to carry various objects to their designated locations, thus requiring the player to place them in the correct spot.
So i also have to create an ID system, which checks both objects.

thats my temporary holding system from the item

and thats the one from player

Does anyone knows, how i can work from now on

Hi @Milko43

Theres a few ways you colud do this. You say its not a building system so is it just like a storage area?

If you need particular items going on particular slots then maybe some collisision boxes placed at the locations on the object you want to attach to. If you dont care what item goes where then a simple trace, find the hit location, then a simple equation on the locations to find the grid area it is in, and the centre of the grid square if needed.

Not sure if im understanding you right so let me know if i did , or if you need some more help

The system was designed for a mission where the player has to grab something and place it in a designated location. I think I am at the point where I can determine if the objective is correct or not, but I still cannot swap both items, and I don’t have a drop function for the item. do you know one?

basically, detach the item from the player, then set its location to the drop point, maybe the drop point has a collision sphere you need to stand inside, when inside it shows the drop item message. then detach from player and set to the location it needs to, or if the drop location is a blueprint you could have a socket it auto snaps to?

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i couldnt completly follow you.

i tried to destroy the one in my hand, but that doesnt worked that well. i could destroy the transparent one, but couldnt replace it with the one in my hand


Detach From Actor | Unreal Engine Documentation

to detach from your hand. then either move it to the location you want it with set location
or attach it to whatever actor you use as the drop point

dont need to destroy it

i cannot connect my static mesh with it,

Well it appears you attached your actor to the static mesh so you have detach your actor not the mesh lol. But to be honest you are better making the object an actor and just place the static mesh inside the actor.

yeah i attached it to a component, how can i solve it?

I think what @High500 was trying to say was that you should create a new blueprint as an actor, then in the viewport select the mesh you wanna use.
Now go over to the skeleton of your player character and create a socket wherever you intend to attach the mesh to, then go over to the character blueprint and make use of both the “attach actor to” node and the “detach actor” node… If you intend to use the camera view as a means of selecting the position you wanna place the object at, that’s where a line trace comes in, from the line trace you can get it’s hit point in the world and set the world location of the actor to that hit point but if it’s a specific place you want the actor to be placed, then you might need to place in some triggers in the world…
I dunno if this helps buh keep me updated if you still require more help or info on this

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i am done with the pick up and compare it with each other part.

the only problem i have is, that i cannot drop the holding item, and that i cannot swap the transparent one, with the holding one.

the drop function dont works well with the detach. i can detach my itemgrip, but not the actor which i connected with my itemgrip. thats why i cannot pickup anything after i dropped them.

Need to see HOW you attach the item to the grip, if it is just attach actor you do the reverse and detach actor in exactly the same way. Then you put that actor in the place you want it.

The actualy flow and the blueprints behind it are extremely simple. You need to u have stored a reference in your itemgrip or player that holds the actor reference so that you call detach then set location

Dude can you help me out with this

if you want to check, if something happen constantly, use the tick event.

and i also couldnt fully understand what ist the actuall problem in your BP. have you any pictures?