Greyed out materials causing character and turrets not to load properly

Hi, I recieved an error not allowing my project to start ( something on the lines of Assertion failed: UniformBufferStruct [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Materials\MaterialParameterCollection.h] [Line: 172])

Eventually I managed to open the project I have no idea how I done it but its opened at least. The issue is that none of my paragon textures are loading for my characters or the turrets. I created a new third person project and added Twinblast to that project and the materials work properly etc. I have no clue what is going on or how to fix this… Here are some photo’s to understand the issue.

Managed to figure out the issue…
There were missing Material Function’s called MF_OrionCharacter_AO in the ParagonProps folder and Twinblast Folder, once added back the materials were showing again.