Green lines on video in media player

Hi everyone!
Does somebody know how to remove these green lines?
Here is a screenshot of my Media Player. The original video is a .MP4 located in a Movie folder inside the Content folder. Of course, the green lines are not here on the original video, and they appear on every single video once in Unreal. And the lines were not there in UE4 Oo
Are you the hero i’m looking for ? x)


Is there any solution?

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I am having the same issue. My work-around (but not desirable) is to instead render out a frame sequence and use that instead. It’s a little more messy (and tends to be much larger files).

Hey! I’m having thw same issue. And I going to plugins and add Electra player. And all is work fine.


Want to give visibility to this solution. I had the same issue with the green bars showing up in the media player texture and adding the Electra player plugin fixed this issue.


Saddly, Electra player doesn’t support Chinese, when I used the plugin, I can’t open any non-standard naming videos…

But I found my own solution:
Uncheck Hardware Accelerated Video Decoding

Looks like i found another solution for this problem. :100: