Green bar in Matinee video capture

This morning I tried capturing a video using matinee in 4.11 and found a big green bar taking up the bottom half of the video. Made a really short example video: Dropbox - File Deleted

I tried a PNG Sequence instead and that came out as expected, so it must be something with the video capture.

Hey kgamble,

I just tried this on my end and was unable to reproduce the green bar. The video you sent does not have a green bar (played with both Windows Media Player and VLC). Also, was your video supposed to be only two frames long?

Can you send a screenshot of your movie capture settings?


Hmm, this is what it looks like when I play it in WMP

I tried it in VLC instead and it looked normal, so maybe it’s a codec issue or something. And I did mean to make it really short just so it was a small download size (I originally tried to attach it directly but apparently the answerhub doesn’t want people attaching AVIs).

If it’s just a codec issue then this probably doesn’t matter, but here are my settings just in case

That’s really weird, is that Win8 or Win10 WMP? I’m on Win7.

(Also for future reference, AHub will accept zip files)


This was on Win10. I tried it on different computers in my office and it looked fine so it seems to just be something weird with my computer.

I had same problem viewing with Windows Media Player. Needed to use VLC.

So I have a video created in Final Cut - exported as MP4, and in VLC it looks good. But in UE, the footer has a 8px green bar.

Quick fix, resized the video texture