Gray ball appears when played or packaged

When I play or package a project, the gray ball becomes visible and I have no idea how to get rid of it.
There is no object in my scene that looks like that. I checked all the items in the outliner.
Any idea?
I’ve attached some screenshots.

Please help!!

Play the level, and then hit F8, which lets you mouse around while it’s still playing. Then click on the ball and see what highlights in the world outliner.

That’s your culprit.

Thanks for your reply.
But F8 won’t let me select anything…

You have to be in the level, not the widget editor.

In the level, it plays fine without the sphere. So the ball is not visible in the level.
But when I package the project, it will appear. And it also appears, when I play in the widget editor.
That is why took a screenshot in the widget editor. Any idea? Thanks. Much appreciated!!

If you haven’t assigned a player pawn, the system will use the default pawn, which can look like this. You can either assign a dummy pawn in the game mode, or try this in the level blueprint:

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Thank you so much!!
Changing Default Pawn Glass to ‘None’ did it.
You are the life saver!!!

Or try clearing one of these:


Thank you!! I’m making a cinematic so have no player pawn but the GameMode was trying to make one!

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